This email was just released from Building A Winning Party <>

Subject: Building A Winning Party

Fellow Tulsa County Republicans,

Earlier this week, someone made improper use of the Tulsa
GOP email list to create division in our party. The email
claimed that there were efforts by those who favored
Congressman Paul in the Primary to expropriate Delegate
votes from the three candidates who are due them under the
rules of our party.

Such efforts to divide our party are counterproductive and
are rejected by all who are familiar with the email and were
the subjects of its derision.

The Tulsa County Republican Convention must be one in which
Republicans can discuss issues with fervor while finding
common ground on the very issues that drew us all to become
Republicans in the first place. While our policy priorities
may vary in degree, our core ideals are in common.

Is there a Republican at the County Convention who believes
that violations of the US Constitution are appropriate?

Is there a Republican who holds that our money should be the
unrestricted plaything of the Federal Reserve?

Is there a Republican who likes unfettered abortion on

Is there a Republican who agrees with the destructive and
escalating debt?

Is there a Republican who desires the reelection of Obama?

We say “NO!”

Let’s put aside the efforts to create factions after the
Primary is beyond us. Let’s have a great Convention. Let’s
send every active Republican we can find to our District and
State Conventions. Let’s agree that we need every
Republican to restore our constitutional republic.

Signed by the active Republicans who raised $450 to aid our
County Convention on Sunday.

This is a one-time email permitted in response to the
earlier unsolicited email.  You will receive no further mail
from us.


This email went out earlier in the week from Concerned Tulsa Co. Delegates” <

Subject: Warning: Tulsa County Convention Under Attack

If you are a Ron Paul supporter, there’s probably no reason to read this email as you already know what you’re up to.

Otherwise, as a delegate to the Tulsa County Republican Convention, you need to know that the local Ron Paul supporters are preparing for battle during the County, District and State Conventions. The end result, they hope, is to seize as many delegates as possible, which were legitimately won by the other three campaigns on Super Tuesday. If activists like you don’t act to stop them, Ron Paul may win as many as 25 of Oklahoma’s 43 delegates to the Republican National Convention, despite the intentions of more than 90% of Oklahoma’s primary voters.

Ron Paul’s activists don’t care if they steal from Gingrich, Santorum or Romney. They just want our delegates!

Among their plans, as we understand them, is to stack the County Convention’s delegation with individuals who did not attend their precinct meetings due to their various contrived reasons (chairman didn’t show up, chairman didn’t speak English, etc.). If there are more Paul supporters who show up at the convention on March 24th, at 8 AM, at the Union High School Performing Arts Center, then they can vote to change the rules of the convention, and allow in enough voters to then control the District 1 Convention, to be held on April 14th, at the Renaissance Hotel at 6808 S 107th East Ave, in Tulsa. If they win at the District Convention, then they will steal the three delegate slots set aside for Gingrich, Romney and Santorum (one each).

If they win statewide, they could take most of the 25 delegate slots that are selected at the State Convention, which will be held in Norman on May 12th.

What can you do to stop them? Show up Saturday and stay all afternoon until the gavel falls, ending the convention.

At each convention, we anticipate there will be a push to bog down the process with parliamentary procedure and confusion as we’ve already seen in Missouri last Saturday, where two Ron Paul supporters were arrested for dissent. They will try to draw out the proceedings so that when the other candidate’s supporters leave, they can overpower the voice of the voters.

Bring bottles of water and granolas bars, because they hope you’ll get hungry and leave!

At the moment, the Ron Paul supporters make up around 24% of the delegates. To put that in perspective, Ron Paul got 9.6% of the vote in contrast with 33.8% for Santorum, 28% for Romney and 27.5% for Gingrich.

It is incredibly important that you attend the conventions and stay until the very end. We cannot let the voice of the people fall by the wayside because the disgruntled Paul supporters are finding loopholes to force their minority of supporters into the process and misrepresent the people in our precincts, county and district.

Please help. If you need more information, or explanation, just reply to this email. We’ll help you better learn what you need to do.


This is what I  have to say about all that:

“Promoting People of Principle is what the delegate process is all about — it matters what you stand for, what you say, how you live and how you treat one another. May the cream rise to the top and may the Lord be pleased to bless our nation once again~”

Convention Details and Party Officers for the Tulsa County GOP can be found here >>>

Tulsa County R3 Meetup can be found here >>>

Posted by Sandra Crosnoe for R3publicans

Cross-posted with OKGrassroots

 Emails Reveal Tulsa County GOP Controversy On Convention Day

Sandra Crosnoe reveals on her blog that there’s controversy within the Tulsa County Republican Party about allegations that Ron Paul supporters will try to take over the county convention today.

Crosnoe has obtained two emails that frame the debate.

Read her report, and the emails, at

My comment on the McCarville Report:

My personal experience is that the battle for the heart and soul of the Republican party is alive and well. Most are trying to build the party on principles that we all agree on. A few are trying to divide and conquer. It has worked in the past, but I think folks may be wising up to the tactic. We’ll see.

As I said at the end of the post:

“Promoting People of Principle is what the delegate process is all about — it matters what you stand for, what you say, how you live and how you treat one another. May the cream rise to the top and may the Lord be pleased to bless our nation once again~”

Your readers and GOP Convention Delegates around the state will have to decide who that is and select people who treat each other properly and who really stand for what they say they stand for. That is what representative government is all about. We need each other and we must grow the party in order to win elections. We want our leaders and our delegates to be people who make wise decisions along the way with the Constitution as our guide.

For Life and Liberty,