Attention Mainstream MEDIA

Listen very carefully,

We are sick of your lies, and your refusal to admit Ron Paul is a frontrunner for the GOP nomination. The media BLACKOUT immediately after the 2012 Ames Straw Poll proves just how far the media will go to suppress the message of freedom. This is the last straw!

We will not let you dictate who we should vote for. This October 19th will go down as one of the greatest grassroots donation efforts in history. We will do it WITHOUT you.

So go ahead, BLACK THIS OUT!

Ron Paul’s “Black THIS Out! Money Bomb” – October 19th

Think of a number to donate and DOUBLE it….For Liberty!

Pledge Today:

RSVP Today:
^ Invite Your Friends! *** Need 25,000 attending on Facebook! ***

END the Fed group event here:

Donate on 10/19:
Goal: $6,000,000+

For more campaign information visit:

See also R3publicans:
@R3publican on twitter
Constitutional Liberty Coalition
@CLibertyC on twitter

“Liberty, when it begins to take root, is a plant of rapid growth.”
– George Washington –

And here’s another edgier version

Please share this video and the message of liberty with all your friends.  Get out there and take back this country from the establishment elitists spending us into oblivion and frisking your grandmother (and you too) at the airport.