by Don Baldwin in Bartlesville OK

We’re all working hard right now. The federal government has fallen into line with an international effort to reduce energy/food options and increase costs. Nowhere in the Constitution do we delegate that power to them. But the end result of intentional federal policy is to make us work harder and continually have less purchasing power. 

Imagine you were running a company now and you hired an employee. Maybe they were good at first but they stopped working for you and started working for….someone else. And you couldn’t get them to answer your questions honestly about what they were actually doing…or for who. Would you keep paying them or fire them and ban them from the premises? When they started treating you more and more like an underling working for them? 

That is our relationship with virtually every level and member of government rights now. Hired to work FOR us, they have been allowed to treat us more and more like serfs that they rule. Then an election rolls around and they smirk at us as they lie about their records and ask for a few more years to repeat the same abusive behaviors. 

Case in point: Julie Daniels. Daniels is a career politician from Oklahoma City, who lived in Bartlesville and served in various city government roles and has worked as 29th District Senator since 2016. She is currently running for reelection and facing a formidable adversary in Wendi Stearman. Daniels has no right to expect our vote in this election. 

My first encounter with Senator Daniels was in November of 2021 at a medical freedom rally at the state capitol in Oklahoma City. My wife and I had just moved to Oklahoma from the tyrannical state of Washington (known less officially as Insleestan) and wished to make our concerns about vaccine mandates known to state legislators. Senator Daniels quickly disabused us of any idea that she was concerned for our freedom and did not even support the mild idea of holding employers liable for forcing employees to participate in this abhorrent medical experiment. 

Since then, Senator Daniels has consistently taken positions betraying her constituents. She voted to give drivers licenses to illegals and also voted to roll back state restrictions on abortion. 

Yet now, facing a real political opponent, Daniels is inundating my mailbox with spam claiming the opposite positions. Smirking at the camera, she claims to be solidly Pro-Life and to oppose issuing drivers licenses to illegals. The problem is, her easily accessible voting record in the Senate proves that she is misrepresenting her positions. 

In 2022, Daniels voted to give drivers licenses to illegals:

In 2023, Daniels SPONSORED legislation to allow more abortions:

In May of 2023, I attended the County GOP convention. When Daniels was asked about her bill to loosen abortion restrictions, she blatantly lied about the content of SB834. Personally, I would argue that we need our representatives to be AFRAID to lie to us or act against our interests. At the very least, they should know it dooms their political future (think Tom Foley and Jack Brooks being forcibly retired after voting for the 1994 “assault weapons” ban). It is probably not necessary to show up at their door with pitchforks and torches and drive them from the state with dogs. 

2024 is a critical election year. The federal government is attacking normal folks like an autoimmune disease run amok and we need our representatives in Oklahoma City to protect state residents from them. We do not need people in office who smirk in our faces, ask smarmily for our votes and then throw us to the wolves for another 4 or more years. 

Original content via R3publicans