Ada was 83 when she passed recently on May 2, 2024. She was battling cancer and stopped posting on R3publicans only about a month ago. We talked and prayed together by phone and I knew she was doing chemotherapy in an effort to survive the predicted outcomes. She had a brilliant mind, read voraciously, and shared what she found with a few of us for many years. She had a terrific sense of humor – very dry at times but always delivered with a twinkle in her eyes! She loved her family deeply and well. She worked for Oppenheimer for many years. And last but not least, was very proud of her son Toby who survives her. She lost her husband, Jim, of many years several years ago.

Ada and I met in the 1990’s when I was in Texas in a rather amazing way. I was on the board for a group called Associated Conservatives of Texas (ACT) and we picked up national notoriety as one of the groups opposing the federal assault on the Branch Davidians in Waco Texas in 1993. AP picked up our article and Ada Coddington in New York, reached out and made personal contact with us at that time. Coincidence? I don’t think so! It was to be a friendship that spanned half my life.

We became internet friends during the Compuserve days. She had an email list (very small) where she daily shared her ‘way ahead of the MSM’ news with us. I always hoped that we would one day be able to share her finds with a broader audience.

During those early days, I served on the Committee of Safety for the Texas Militia. While serving in that capacity, I was one of the people invited to speak on the Geraldo show which broadcast out of New York. Of course the show was structured to create conflict, but Ada made a special effort to be there for the filming of that show and strongly supported our effort to get our message out of standing for the average citizen to protect life and property as originally outlined in the constitution. She made every effort to make our stay in New York memorable. We met on two other occasions, once when she and Jim came to Texas and joined in our special release of the book written by David Rucker (also on the board for ACT), The Rat in the Hat. And another time when I was visiting my sister in the DC area, she and Jim invited me to their cabin in the woods in upstate New York. Not only was the cabin visit memorable (it forever changed my perception of New York) but she took me on a harbor cruise where I first saw the statue of liberty and knew it was a goddess – quite the spiritual awakening at the time! Oh yes, and one of their cats brought me a mouse and laid it at my bedside. I was told this was a good thing!

One of the most memorable days of my life with Ada was the fateful day of 911. Ada and I often chatted online in the wee hours of the morning. That morning we had chatted and then she had to leave to catch the train to downtown. I heard the door of the chat close and shortly saw on TV the plane hit the first tower knowing that Ada worked at Oppenheimer but not knowing which building she was in, I anxiously awaited hearing from her for several hours. Suddenly I heard her chat door open and she was there to tell me she got off the train to see the plane hit the second tower, turned around and caught the next train home before things closed down! Talk about a sigh of relief! So grateful for the Lord’s timing and protection and many more years of a wonderful friendship.

Finally in 2017, we were able to structure a way where Ada could email her daily media finds and posts on R3s easily via email. Her first post is titled  From Nuisance to Threat – The High Cost of Truth by Paul Craig Roberts. She faithfully posted almost daily for a total of 1981 posts from 2017 to 2024! The best of the news before it was news and all right here on R3publicans. Her wit and humor and dedication to truth will be sorely missed by me and by her family and by all the folks who counted on her to filter the news for us.

‘Til we meet again…

Much love and deep respect,


Her official obit is here.

Original post via R3publicans